May 03, 2024

Solidaridad con Michael Pröbsting (CCRI)


by TRCI-web

3 de mayo de 2024 Expresamos nuestra solidaridad con Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional, tras ser condenado por el Estado austríaco de “incitación a cometer delitos terroristas y aprobación de los delitos terroristas” en ocasión de una manifestación de solidaridad con…
April 29, 2024

Permier mai : Nous levons la bannière internationaliste de la classe ouvrière révolutionnaire, les fossoyeurs…


by TRCI-web

Les travailleurs du monde entier doivent affronter cette situation historique mondiale avec la force de notre classe afin de détruire ce système capitaliste qui ne nous garantit que la surexploitation et une vie misérable. Le système capitaliste exprime une crise historique dans son organisation des rapports…
April 29, 2024

May 1st: we raise the internationalist banner of the revolutionary working class, the gravediggers of…


by TRCI-web

The workers of the whole world must face this historic world situation with the strength of our class to destroy this capitalist system that only offers us super-exploitation and a miserable life. The capitalist system expresses a historical crisis in its organization of the social relations…

Third international strike of delivery workers

TRFI Statement July 1st Third international strike of delivery workers The world crisis has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic and has laid bare the capitalist system and its forms…

The World Situation and the Tasks of Revolutionaries

TRFI Statement The World Situation and the Tasks of Revolutionaries We are within a historical period characterized by a tendency to the decomposition of imperialism and a process of capitalist…

May 1st: Let's show the power of the working class around the world

TRCI Statement May 1st: Let's show the power of the working class around the world In our day all over the world, we workers must raise our voice against imperialist…

Reactionary general rehearsal

Statement of the RTFI Reactionary general rehearsal The corona virus pandemic lays bare the capitalist system and its forms of domination. It shows the consequences of the advance of the…

Against the American intervention in Venezuela

An antiimperialist, workers’ and revolutionary way out! Last January 10th 2019, Nicolas Maduro took office for his 2° period as Venezuelan president. The presidential election took place on May 20th…


On November 17th and 18th we held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the First Congress of the Tendency for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International, with the participation of delegates of…
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